Portuguese Journal of Social Science - Notes for Contributors



Submission guidelines

The aim of this journal is to provide a medium for the publication of original papers covering Portuguese thought and research on social science. The Editorial Committee is particularly keen to publish work on current developments in research and analysis.

All contributions, correspondence and books for review should be addressed to the Editor: João Ferreira de Almeida, UNICS/ISCTE, Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisbon, Portugal.



The Portuguese Journal of Social Science is a refereed journal. Strict anonymity is accorded to both authors and referees. There are normally two referees, chosen for their expertise within the subject area. They are asked to comment on the comprehensibility, originality and scholarly worth of the article submitted.



Articles should not normally exceed 7,500 words in length.



Articles should be original and not be under consideration by any other publication and be written in a clear and concise style. In the first instance, contributions should be submitted in hard copy only. Three hard copies must be sent to the Editor, typewritten or printed on one side only, and double-spaced. If the article is accepted, it should be put on disk, with any required amendments, and this electronic version of the article as agreed for final publication should then be sent to the Editor. The electronic version should be in Word, and be submitted with and ASCII (i.e. text only) file of the article on a 3.5 inch disk. The disk should be labelled with the name of the author, the title of the article, and the software used.



The journal uses standard British English. The Editor reserves the right to alter usage to these ends. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of readership, jargon is to be avoided. Simple sentence structures are of great benefit to readers for whom English is a second language.



Illustrations are welcome. In particular, discussions of particular buildings, sites or landscapes would be assisted by including illustrations, enabling readers to see them.

Generally, only black and white reproduction is available. Photographs should be black and white glossy. All slides should be printed as colour photos or copied onto PhotoCD as a YCC computer file. Line drawings, maps, diagrams, etc. should be in a camera-ready state, capable of reduction, or as a Macintosh EPS or TIFF file with hard copy output.

All illustrations, photographs, diagrams, maps, etc. should follow the same numerical sequence and be shown as Figure 1, Figure 2 etc. The source has to be indicated below. Copyright clearance should be indicated by the contributor and is always the responsibility of the contributor. When they are on a separate sheet or file, indication must be given as to where they should be placed in the text.



Within paragraphs these should be used sparingly, identified be single quotation marks. Paragraph quotations must be indented with an additional one-line space above and below and without quotes.



All illustrations should be accompanied by a caption, which should include the Fig. No., and acknowledge the holder of the copyright. The author has a responsibility to ensure that the proper permissions are obtained.



Other styles
Margins should be at least 2.5cm all round and pagination should be continuous. Foreign words and phrases inserted in the text should be italicised.



Author(s) note
A note on the author is required, which includes author's name, institutional affiliation and address, and email address.



The abstract should not exceed 150 words in length and should concentrate on the significant findings. Apart from its value for abstracting services, it should also make a case for the article to be read by someone from a quite different discipline.



Provision of up to six keywords is much appreciated by indexing and abstracting services.



Notes appear at the side of the appropriate pages, but the numerical sequence runs throughout the article. These should be kept to a minimum (not normally more than 12), and be identified by a superscript numeral. Please avoid the use of automatic footnote programmes; simply append the footnotes to the end of the article.



References and bibliography
We use the Harvard system for bibliographical references. This means that all quotations must be followed by the name of the author, the date of the publication, and the pagination; thus: (Santos, 1995: 254). PLEASE DO NOT use '(ibid.)'. Note that the punctuation should always follow the reference within parenthesis, whether a quotation is within the text or an indented quotation. Your references refer the reader to a bibliography at the end of the article. The heading should be 'References'. List the items alphabetically. Here are examples of the most likely cases:

Almeida, J. Ferreira de (1982), Classes sociais nos campos: camponeses parciais numa regiºao do noroeste, 2 vols., Lisbon: ICS.

Amâncio, L. (1997), 'The importance of being male: ideology and context in gender identities', Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, no.2, pp.79-94.

Pinto, A. Costa (ed.), Modern Portugal, Palo Alto CA: Society for the Promotion of Science and Scholarship.



Web references
These are no different from other references; they must have an author, and the author must be referenced Harvard-style within the text. Unlike paper references, however, web pages can change, so we need a date of access as well as the full web reference. In the list of references at the end of your article, the item should read something like this:

Freitas, E. de, and Ávila, P. (2000), 'Inquérito à Cultura Científica dos Portugueses 2000', http://www.oct.mct.pt/actividades/cultura/cultura2000/
, Lisboa: Observatório das Ciências e Tecnologias.
(Accessed 11 December 2001.)

If in doubt as to how to reference material on a web page, please contact the Editor.